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/ Current Shareware 1996 January
/ Current Shareware Volume 5 (January 1996).ISO / hexen / hexman.zip
File Comment
│ Chicago Computer Brokers │
│ This File Has Passed Automated Virus & File Integrity Procedures │
│FileName │FileSize │FileDate│ File Description │
HEXMAN.ZIP 16928 12-02-95 HEXEN "Hexman" Deathmatch Level - the first,
| second and third catagory weapons are
| available, but the fourth was left out to
| provide a better fight. There are no
| monsters, so single play will be boring.
| There are a few teleports to get you around
| and to give the player the ability to jump
| into hiding places.
| (Newest File Date: 11-08-95)
Archives (1)
Name | Format | # Files | Size | Date
| 11
| 39KB
| 1995-11-08
Text (1)
Name | Format | # Lines | Size | Date
| Text File
| 54
| 2KB
| 1995-11-08